5 Digital Marketing Fundamentals That Stand the Test of Time
Automotive digital marketing is always changing, which means that for most dealers, the threat of massive disruption lurks just around the corner. Dealers who refuse to adapt to the times are sure to go the way of Blockbuster, MapQuest or the taxi cab; extinct far before they feel their time has come.
How can dealers anticipate disruption, and better yet, use it to their advantage? What techniques can dealers use to stay ahead of our industry’s constant waves of change? Join Justin Cook, Executive Vice President at C-4 Analytics, as he lays out the path forward for savvy dealers in 2019 and beyond.
Through Justin’s seminar, dealers will discover the core marketing fundamentals that transcend time, technology and market trends, and which will allow them to thrive under any circumstances. By learning how to make smart decisions, understanding modern competition and knowing how to best measure results, dealers can do more than avoid disruption; they can do the disrupting themselves.
Primary Learning Objectives
- Understand both the positive and negative implications of disruption in the digital marketing and automotive industries to ensure you’re on the winning side of history.
- Learn more about the practical applications of core fundamentals to digital marketing in 2019, arming you with the knowledge needed to make smarter, more cost-effective marketing decisions.
- Discover ways to fight the HIPPO (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) to ensure that you are making the best and most informed decisions for your bottom line.